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Home The Internet Connecting to the Internet Using search engines Access to information Imagining the future Bibiliography

1) The Internet

What is the Internet?

The Internet is a world wide web network that connects all computers.

What is the Internet used for?

entertainment - There are a lot of websites that provide entertainment on the Internet. Entertainment has a lot of branches like Gaming, movies or tv shows, online books, Music and media. Girl in a jacket

Gaming - Roblox, Fortnite, Minecraft, among us

Movies and tv shows - Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, YouTube TV, Tubi

Online books - The Online Books Page, Kindle Store, Smashwords, BookBub, Robin Reads, FreeBooksy

Music - youtube music, Spotify, Deezer, sound cloud

Media - Instagram, Youtube, WhatsApp, Facebook, ABC news, 9 news

education - The Internet helped us advance our education. When we have an assessment, we search for information on the Internet instead of looking at books.

Google Classroom: Google classroom helped us continue our learning while in quarantine. We can look at what teachers upload without being at school.

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Meets: On meets, we can call and have class from home. Meets is an app, but it is also a website.

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shopping - shopping on the Internet is so much easier than walking around a mall. There are a bunch of shopping websites like: Amazon, ebay, catch, target...

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History of the Internet

Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn invented the Internet on January 1, 1983.

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